Elena Sottilotta (Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge), Research Grant for a project entitled the Shade-Shifting Trasmediality of Fata Turchina: Framing Supernatural Femininity in Italian and American Adaptations of Le avventure di Pinocchio (2000-2023).

Elena Sottilotta (PhD University of Cambridge) is a Research Fellow in Italian at Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, and her current research interests hinge on gender approaches to folklore and
fairy-tale studies and intermedia studies. The Ragusa Foundation grant supports her project “The Shade-Shifting Trasmediality of Fata Turchina: Framing Supernatural Femininity in Italian and American Adaptations of Le avventure di Pinocchio (2000-2023)”. A Fulbright alumna, she has published on the works of well-known and neglected women writers, folklorists and fairy-tale collectors with a transnational and interdisciplinary gaze. Her articles appeared in several international
peer-reviewed journals, including The Irish Journal of Gothic and
Horror Studies, I.S. MED. – Interdisciplinary Studies on the
Mediterranean, Women Language Literature in Italy, and P.R.I.S.M.I.
Revue d’études italiennes.