Michele Bordoni (University of Cagliari), Research Grant for a project on on the Birth of Emblematic Studies: an Approach to Mario Praz’s Studi sul concettismo.

Michele Bordoni earned a PhD in Italian and Comparative Literature from the University of Cagliari, Italy. The Ragusa Foundation grant supports his project on the Birth of Emblematic Studies: an Approach to Mario Praz’s Studi sul concettismo. Dr. Bordoni’s other interests focus on the relationship between text and image in late Renaissance and Baroque, the reception of the icon-textual production in Giambattista Vico’s philosophy of language, contemporary Italian poetry, as well as methodological aspects of visual culture and intermedial studies. He is a member of the GEMCA (Group for Early Modern Cultural Analysis) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).