Daniela D’Eugenio (University of Arkansas), Research Grant for a project on the role of John Florio’s works on Italian proverbs in Shakespeare.

Daniela D’Eugenio is Assistant Professor of Italian at the University of Arkansas. The Ragusa Foundation grant supports her project on the role of John Florio’s works on Italian proverbs in Shakespeare. Dr. D’Eugenio’s research interests focus on proverbs in Renaissance and Baroque literature, the intersections between paleography and linguistics, and the relationships between texts and images, as well as pedagogical approaches to foreign language instruction. She is the author of Paroimia. Brusantino, Florio, Sarnelli, and Italian Proverbs from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2021) and has co-edited Italia, Italie. Studi in onore di Hermann W. Haller (2021) as well as Rappresentare per includere. Metodi, strumenti e testi per un italiano plurale (with Alberto Gelmi, 2023).